Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30 - Burger and Fries

-1 Bun, did not appear to be whole wheat
-1 Burger, looked like 1.5-2 packs of cards worth
-1 Cheese square, yellow, melting off the burger into the pan
-3/4 cup of Fries, (approximately 12 or 13 large fries)
-EXTRA: Ketchup packets (students had to request them from staff who save some)

This list is exhaustive. There was no onion, tomato or other garnish on the burger though you can't tell from the picture.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oct 29 - Sticky Chicken

-1 Chicken breast chunk, might have be grilled, with sticky sauce on it. I saw other students had variations of chicken parts including wings and thighs. All of the lunches had very large servings of meat
-Rice ~1/2 cup, Strangely yellow, not sure why
-Corn ~1/2 cup, technically a grain, I guess it qualifies as a vegetable

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, Oct 28 - Sloppy Joes ?

-Large amount of "sloppy joe" meat (not sure what kind of meat)
-Medium Sized whole wheat looking bun
-1/4 cup(approximate) Vegetables (steamed?). Broccoli, Cauliflower and Carrots.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, Oct 27 - "Cubic" Meatballs

-1 Bun, appears to have at least some whole grains
-Red sauce
-4 Meatballs (Strangely cube shaped)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, Oct 26 - "Chicken Fingers"

-5 "Chicken fingers" Breaded and deep fried, purportedly real chicken
-3 Plantain Chunks, deep fried and overcooked
-8 slices of carrot, various diameters, cooking method unkown

Surprisingly, there was a lot left over, meaning the students did not like it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Inaugural Post - Friday, Oct 23 - "Gyro"

I am debating whether to give commentary. I think for now I will let the pictures make their own statements. Todays lunch consisted of

-1 very large piece of white looking flatbread
-4 strips of unknown meat (approximately 1 card pack)
-2 very small strips of red bell pepper
-1 very small strip of green bell pepper.