Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, Nov 2 - A Choice! Fried Fish, Burger or Sandwich

Today the lucky first students were presented with a choice. They had an option of burger, fries and veggies; fried fish, fries and veggies; or a sandwich(only half is pictured as students ate the other half before I was able to photograph). For full disclosure, they send peanut butter and jelly sandwiches everyday, but the kids never eat them even when they are starving - I don't know why. A PB&J certainly isn't a full meal though. I wasn't early enough to lunch to capture the burger, but it was the same as last Friday, just meat, bun and cheese along with the fries and veggies from the fish tray.

-5 Deep fried fish cubes - One student said they were gross, the Hamburgers were definitely preferred.
-French Fries (about 12 again)
-1/2 Cup Veggies - Carrots, Green Beans and Yellow Squash

-Two slices of bread (whole wheat)
-Cheese (yellow american cheese style slice)
-Meat (Unknown variety - Ham?)
-Mayonaise (uncofirmed, but the sandwich had something saucy on it)

Beverage Selection

These are the typical and only beverages served each day. Sometimes there are multiple varieties of chocolate milk, like today.

-Fat Free Milk
-Fat Free Chocolate Milk
-Lactose Free Fat Free Chocolate milk (with fun Halloween theme!)

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